Editor’s Note: This is a part of YourTango’s Opinion section where individual authors can provide varying perspectives for wide-ranging political, social, and personal commentary on issues. Maybe it’s just me but it seems like…
Tag: parenting advice
The Top Mistake Parents Make When Disciplining Their Kids
Getting your child to listen can be tough. And when they just won’t budge, it’s tempting to punish them. But do these go-to punishments actually work? More importantly, do they teach the…
How To Be The Parent Your Kid Needs At Every Age
Parents have one of the toughest jobs out there. And since moms and dads aren’t handed a how-to manual upon childbirth, it’s perfectly normal to worry about being a good parent who…
10 Parenting Mistakes You’re Probably Making & How To Fix Them
We hear it over and over again; every book, article, and TV show confirms it: Parenting is the hardest job on the planet. But is it, really? Is raising a happy, healthy,…
Try This Mental Hack To Stay Cool & Calm When Your Child Gets Out Of Control
Do you ever feel yourself losing control when your kids get a bit too rowdy? Or find yourself snapping over small disruptions at home? Keeping your cool during these moments can be…
6 Things Kids Need To Hear Way More Than ‘I Love You’
As parents, we say “I love you” to our kids a lot. But you know what — talk is cheap. Our words echo hollow when our actions don’t back them up. Declaring your love…
Your Kid’s Personality And Why It Triggers You
In a previous post, I discussed why it’s normal to have a favorite child and as long as you don’t silk screen your preference onto a T-shirt or otherwise make it known, you’re still a…
Mom Feels Like A ‘Failure’ After Spanking Her Daughter
A mom has admitted to feeling incredibly guilty about the way she handled her unruly daughter and is seeking advice on how to not react the same way in the future. Posting…
Child Therapist Shares One Adorably Simple Way To Help Kids Feel More Confident
It’s common knowledge that saying kind words to our children can have a positive impact on them as they grow older. And while it’s important to tell them directly how proud we…
5 Tiny Ways You (Unintentionally) Destroy Your Kid’s Self-Confidence
I’m one of those moms who wants her kids to be themselves, live their own lives, and not just be what I wish them to be. Be a doctor! An artist! A truck driver!…